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The NTPRD Chiller opened in the October of 2013. The Chiller is operated by the Chiller, LLC and owned by National Trail. The Chiller features a 41,000 sq. ft. single sheet ice arena, rentable mezzanine, locker rooms concessions, skate rental and several conference areas, and is located in downtown Springfield, OH.

Curl Troy has partnered with the NTPRD Chiller over several years to provide a high quality curling experience to the Dayton and Springfield regions and beyond.  In addition to a variety of league opportunities, the club has been lucky enough to host several curling tournaments in Springfield as well, including multiple day long events such as "friendlies" as well as the club's first and only bonspiel in 2016.  

We are providing a lot of additional programming at Springfield for our 2023-2024 season!  

  • 2023 Fall League starts Sunday September 17th
  • 2024 Spring League starts Monday March 11th
  • 2024 Introduction to Curling/Beginner Leagues start Wednesday March 13th and Wednesday April 10th.


Springfield Leagues are Live!  Go over to our leagues page to sign up today!  



Setup and Tear Down

If you are curling in a league with us, please note that setting up before the game is extremely important, and we will be asking for your help each week to make sure we can start your games on time.  It takes everyone's help to get the ice ready.  If you are interested in learning how to pebble the ice or do any pre-game set up such as installing hacks or running the mop, please let us know, we'll be happy to teach you how to!  Everyone is expected to help pull stones out before the game, and put stones and equipment away at the end of the night if you are able to do so.

Upcoming Events

No events

Contact Us

(937) 617-CURL

Or by mail at:

335 S. Market St.
Troy OH 45373

About The Club

Curl Troy is a group of curling enthusiasts interested in grow the sport of curling in the Dayton, Ohio area.  Started in 2010 shortly after the Vancouver Olympics by a group of friends who simply got "hooked" on the game after trying it, Curl Troy has continued to grow and currently conducts operations at RiverScape MetroPark in downtown Dayton, Ohio and in Springfield Ohio at the NTPRD Chiller
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