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RiverScape Metro Park has been partnered with Curl Troy since 2010, and offered it's first curling programming during the winter of 2011.  We've enjoyed a great partnership with Five Rivers Metroparks ever since, and are excited to continue to offer both Learn To Curls and Curling Leagues this winter.

RiverScape offers a very unique venue for curling.  The ice is located outdoors, but is sheltered above from the weather, and the ice is managed with refrigeration systems just as indoor ice is maintained.  Curling is somewhat weather dependant, but in most cases curling can occur even on warm days.  

RiverScape offers a social area with tables and chairs just off the ice, and if you need to, you can warm up in the comfort tent located near the café at the MetroParks Ice Rink. This insulated tent features festive lighting, family-style seating options, and is kept at 70 degrees to help provide comfort on even the coldest and windiest of days

Leagues at RiverScape generally fill very quickly, and are social in nature!


Our programming at Riverscape has changed slightly this year - Please check out the Leagues page for additional information

  • 2024 Tuesday Night Winter League starts Tuesday January 9th
    • Start times are 7:00PM and 8:30PM
  • 2024 Thursday Night Winter League starts Thursday January 11th
    • Start times are 7:00PM and 8:30PM


The Leagues at Riverscape are now available for registration! Sign up today!




Riverscape Appropriate Attire

If you are new to our outdoor curling, please be aware to dress appropriately!

It's winter! It could be 40 degrees one day, and 10 degrees the next.   Dress in layers;  you can always peel some off when you get warm, but when the wind really starts blowing off the river, you'll be glad you have a hat, an extra set of gloves, and some super thick socks. 

Wear comfortable athletic shoes with soft rubber soles (sneakers work great!)  The harder the sole of the shoe, the slicker they will feel on the ice and the more likely you will slip a
nd fall.

Setup and Tear Down

If you are curling in a league with us, please note that setting up before the game is extremely important, and we will be asking for your help each week to make sure we can start your games on time.  It takes everyone's help to get the ice ready.  If you are interested in learning how to pebble the ice or do any pre-game set up such as installing hacks or running the mop, please let us know, we'll be happy to teach you how to!  Everyone is expected to help pull stones out before the game, and put stones and equipment away at the end of the night if you are able to do so.

Riverscape Weather Alerts

Playing outdoors can be unpredictable at times, and if the temp rises above 55F, we may have to cancel the games for that evening.

We will work hard to communicate this to you as quickly as possible on the day of your game, and if you ever have any doubts, don't hesitate to reach out and ask. The best way to stay informed is to watch your inbox for updates!

Upcoming Events

No events

Contact Us

(937) 617-CURL

Or by mail at:

335 S. Market St.
Troy OH 45373

About The Club

Curl Troy is a group of curling enthusiasts interested in grow the sport of curling in the Dayton, Ohio area.  Started in 2010 shortly after the Vancouver Olympics by a group of friends who simply got "hooked" on the game after trying it, Curl Troy has continued to grow and currently conducts operations at RiverScape MetroPark in downtown Dayton, Ohio and in Springfield Ohio at the NTPRD Chiller
© 2025 Curl Troy. All Rights Reserved. | Curling Club Management System and Website by CurlingClubManager.com