This league will be held on Tuesday nights at Riverscape Metro Park starting Tuesday December 3rd 2024. This draw will start at 8PM and end at 9:30PM. This league lasts for 6 weeks with a with two week holiday intermission, and two potential make up dates to allow for any incliment weather that could cause a cancellation.
Event Date | 12-03-2024 8:00 pm |
Event End Date | Tue, 01-21-2025 |
Cut off date | 01-31-2025 12:00 pm |
Capacity | 24 |
Registered | 1 |
Available place | 23 |
Individual Price | 160 |
This league will be held on Thursday nights at Riverscape Metro Park starting Thursday December 5rd 2024. This draw will start at 8PM and end at 9:30PM. This league lasts for 6 weeks with a with two week holiday intermission, and two potential make up dates to allow for any incliment weather that could cause a cancellation.
Event Date | 12-05-2024 8:00 pm |
Event End Date | Thu, 01-23-2025 |
Cut off date | 01-31-2025 12:00 pm |
Capacity | 24 |
Registered | 4 |
Available place | 20 |
Individual Price | 160 |
This is an instructional league will be held on Wednesday nights at NTPRD Chiller in Springfield starting Wednesday April 9th, 2024. This draw will start roughly at 7:30PM and end at 9:30PM. This league lasts for 4 weeks. This mini-league is designed for beginners who may have little to no experience curling. If you've ever wanted to give the sport a try, this is the perfect opportunity.
Event Date | 04-09-2025 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 04-30-2025 9:30 pm |
Cut off date | 06-01-2023 12:00 pm |
Capacity | 32 |
Registered | 0 |
Available place | 32 |
Individual Price | $128 |
We are no longer accepting registration for this event
This league will be held on Sunday evenings at NTPRD Chiller in Springfield starting Sunday September 15th, 2024. The draw will start roughly at 5:30PM and end at 7:30PM. This league lasts for 6 weeks, with the final league night being October 20nd. This is a recreactional league, and is friendly to beginners, or those who have had minimal curling experience.
Event Date | 09-15-2024 5:30 pm |
Event End Date | 10-20-2024 7:30 pm |
Cut off date | Mon, 09-23-2024 |
Capacity | 32 |
Registered | 9 |
Available place | 23 |
Individual Price | $192.00 |
This league will be held on Monday evenings at NTPRD Chiller in Springfield starting Monday March 10th, 2025. The draw will start roughly at 7:30PM and end at 9:30PM. This league lasts for 8 weeks, with the final league night being April 28th. This is a recreactional league, but may not be suitable for those who have had no curling experience, but beginners are more than welcome.
Event Date | 03-10-2025 7:30 pm |
Event End Date | 04-28-2025 9:30 pm |
Cut off date | Sat, 03-29-2025 |
Capacity | 32 |
Registered | 4 |
Available place | 28 |
Individual Price | $256.00 |